2024-07-14 Central Chapter: “Plaaskuier” at Nic & Maraai

On July 14, 2024, approximately 80 members of the Central Chapter undertook an outride to Nic and Maraai's place for a fabulous plaaskuier. Nic made his famous chicken wings, Marius cooked a scrumptious beef potjie, some of the ladies provided delicious salads and pampoenkoekies, and Joekie ensured that malvapoeding was on the menu for dessert. It was another lovely visit with members and a few visitors. To view all the photos and a video of the bikes and trikes' arrival ...    

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2024-06-09 Central Chapter outride to Wet Nose

CHARITY OUTRIDE TO WET NOSE ANIMAL RESCUE CENTRE On 9 June 2024, members of the Central Chapter of Wing Riders SA embarked on a Charity Run to the Wet Nose Animal Rescue Centre with approximately 100 people on 40 bikes, trikes and a few vehicles. On behalf of Wet Nose, we would like to thank the following donators: Members of Central Chapter of Wing Riders SA Dog food, cat food, treats, toys, pillows and blankets Ecohealth, Pretoria 5 x 20 kg dog food and 2 x 8 kg cat food KWD Feeds in Bronkhorstspruit 2 x 50 kg dog food and...

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A new Chapter is born

Congratulations! We are incredibly proud of your accomplishment in establishing the new Garden Route Chapter! Our sincere best wishes are with you and may your Chapter continue to flourish and thrive. Wishing you abundant joy and memorable adventures as you journey together on your Wings. Chairperson: Gys van der Merwe (middle) Secretary & Treasurer: Christa Basson (right) Road Captain & Co-ordinator: Elise van der Merwe (left)

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From the President’s desk

Dear Wing Rider SA member, past and present, as well as anyone who is taking the time to read here, The first quarter of 2024 has flown by for all of us like lightning. Last year, we had these huge celebrations for our association’s 40th anniversary. However, the year 2024 kicked off on a very high note in both Chapters. We read about outrides from both Chapters, with more and more members joining in the outrides from month to month. This development is really exhilarating for all of us as we love to see how members enjoy outrides and each...

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WC Chapter: Outride to Swellendam, 16 March 2024

Written by Amorita Engelbrecht Ek word om 5 vm wakker, dit reën liggies en ek is amper lus om my wekker dood te druk, maar staan op om ‘n emmer onder ‘n geut te sit om darem bietjie reënwater op te vang. Toe ons om 7:30 wegtrek met die Mazda, begin dit opklaar. By die Shell-bymekaarkomplek naby Gordonsbaai, is daar al heelwat Wingers. Tot Obed het vroeg opgestaan om saam met pa Boet te ry; Renthia is natuurlik op haar 3-wiel.  Dis koud maar lyk nogtans na ‘n lekker dag vir motorfiets ry.  Net oor Sir Lowry’s-pas val daar ‘n...

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Wing Riders SA joins the Ride for a Child World Record Attempt 2024

The initial announcement for Ride for a Child 2024 was made on the Wing Riders SA Social Group in January. After hearing about the event, Marius du Toit expressed interest in joining the group for the record attempt in Jeffreys Bay. During Central Chapter’s first outride event, Marius spoke with fellow riders Adriaan and Rianna, who also decided to participate. Pieter and Monika, who already had travel plans in the area at the time of the record attempt, made arrangements to join as well. Additionally, Neels and Laura joined the riders in White River for the 7 000 km ride....

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Festive Season Message from the President

CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2023  Dear Wing Riders SA Members and Fellow Motorcycle Enthusiasts, As we approach the end of another year, it is a time for reflection on the highs and lows we have experienced together. On the low side, we mourn the loss of some members who passed away, members who decided not to renew their membership, and of course others. To all members who lost loved ones, dear friends or family members, our heartfelt condolences to you. Two of our members also had a serious accident, but by the grace of God, they are recovering very well, albeit slowly....

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