Hello to all the Wingers and Winglettes
The first quarter of 2018 has come and gone and three memorable rides have been recorded.
We are still expressing our gratitude towards Nic and Maraai for hosting us during the last run and spoiled us with all the food and hospitality. What a great happy-go-lucky day it was … and the desserts, Zenda – delicious!
It is with great pleasure that I can announce that all membership fees of all members of Central Chapter have been paid in full. The Committee wishes to thank each of you sincerely.
Our next run for SATURDAY, 14 April, will be to Aviators near the Hartbeespoort Dam (see www.aviators.co.za). Riding details to follow soon and we plan to be there by 11 a.m. We will have a late start if you need to run errands in the morning. Thank you to Leonie for the scout work. (We originally planned to go to the Vaal, with a boat ride included, but the prices were too exorbitant.)
The Mini Wing Fling in Kakamas is around the corner: 27 April to 1 May – please remember to pay the fees before the end of this month to the Central Chapter account. All the details are on the website, Facebook and WhatsApp Official group. Every year, this is an outstanding and most enjoyable event – please try to attend.
Please keep in mind that Central Chapter will be responsible for hosting the 2019 Wing Fling. We need ideas for fund-raising activities … and lots of them. Please share your thoughts.
We have provisionally thought about hosting the AGM in November in Rustenburg. It is close enough so that we can be sure most if not all members will attend. If anybody has a different suggestion, please let us know. Apparently, the food at the proposed venue is very good.
Our run in May is still planned to go to the RedStar Raceway and we are hoping to include a talk by one of the Isle of Man TT riders.
Do NOT forget about the mystery run weekend away on 25 and 26 August! Clues will only be posted two weeks before the event in order to keep the mystery a mystery – the more the bodies, the bigger the mystery. Book the date and wait with patience! Our Mystery Master (Barbara) is quite excited about the event, but she does not want to say anything, not that I have not tried. Pulling rank does not work here!
Our next Saturday run (15 September) will be to Loskop Dam and it will be a picnic.
And now for very impressive statistics:
- Central members of 2017 who re-joined in 2018: 67 members;
- Central members of 2017 that left us: 2 moved to KZN Chapter, 5 inactive people did not re-join and only 2 left for personal reasons;
- New members who joined Central Chapter in 2018: 10; and
- Therefore, Central Chapter now has 77 paid-up members.
Please make sure our new members experience the welcome they deserve! They are:
Wilfrid Moulin
Anton Rademeyer
Cecile Rademeyer
Hans Roos
Retha Roos
Fanie van der Berg
Linda van der Berg
Gys van der Merwe
Elise van der Merwe
More stats:
- Our Facebook group, Wing Riders SA, has 272 members. 70 up from December 2017!
- The Wing Riders SA website at www.goldwingsa.co.za – we get around 60 unique visitors to the website monthly and around 400 pages are viewed by these visitors. We have also recorded visitors from 14 different countries so far.
Reminders of future runs:
See you all on the 14th of April – have a safe ride and may you experience many blessings during the Easter period.