Central Chapter smelled the roses … at Ludwig’s Roses, north of Pretoria, on our first monthly run for 2018.
Members came from all over Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bronkhorstspruit, Witbank, Middelburg and Groblersdal and gathered at the final departure point in Centurion. We arrived at Ludwig’s Roses at 11:00 and a delicious lunch was served at 12:30. Most of us even enjoyed a Rose Milkshake – divine!
32 bikes and trikes and approximately 50 people joined this run.
On arrival, we all sang the Wing Song, led by the very talented Hendrik Sadie and Johan Degenaar. Singing the Wing Song will from now on become a tradition during our runs.
It was great fun to catch up with old friends, to welcome two new members and to celebrate a birthday.
We wish to say thank you to Poena and Annelize Oosthuizen for today’s arrangements, the Wing Song cards and the sponsorship of three raffle prizes.
For all the photos and videos of this run, please visit our Facebook group:
Album 1 – videos: CLICK HERE
Album 2 – photos: CLICK HERE