Our weekend started off with an arrangement to meet at Buffelsjag for breakfast at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, 21st March. André and Amorita had left early the morning and was there well before the meeting time and we agreed for him to carry on. Donny and Suzette were so eager to get to George, they missed the breakfast. Delphius decided to leave that same morning from Calvinia, and that was 800 km from George, so he was not going to make breakfast. Great ride to George, with roadworks along the way. On arrival at Loerie Guest Lodge, we met up with the rest of the group.
The prep for the braai had started and our braai gurus on Thursday, Vissie and Gys, was on the ball. Elise and Gys went out of their way to ensure that everything was prepared and laid out and all that was needed was to braai and enjoy the evening. After the welcome and thank you speech, everyone started enjoying the braai and salads and a bit of warm juice, as we say, was part of the discussion for the rest of the evening. Delphius arrived a bit late after he had completed his 800 km drive in his baby called “Datsun”.
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A lovely evening of great jokes by Vissie and his team, and the agenda was set for a visit to Oudtshoorn and Mossel Bay for the Friday. The KKNK (Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees) was happening in Oudtshoorn.
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Early breakfast at the guest lodge and all those with their Gold Wings saddled up and ready for the road while the members in the cars watched with envy. As Vissie put it, “julle is mos jaloers, nè?”, when he passed by. The ride to Oudtshoorn took off at 09:30.
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Our first stop on Friday was Smitswinkel in Oudtshoorn.
Reserved parking arranged for the bikes at KKNK.
We walked around at the KKNK in the area of Oudtshoorn to see the lovely arts and stalls. Some of us enjoyed the entertainment provided by South African artists and TV personalities at various points, while enjoying a cold one.
A few of us decided that the exercise was too much so taking a break at Spur was a better option to have some chit chat.
After a few hours at Oudtshoorn, we took the road to Mossel Bay via Robinson Pass. On arrival in Mossel Bay, we met up with Llewellyn and his wife, Sonet, who joined us for supper as well.
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Another late night and all reached Loerie House in George before 10 p.m. Rather tired, and with a busy day planned for the Saturday, it was bedtime for all.
Na ontbyt en met die mis wat laag oor George hang, maak ons gereed vir ons rit na Sedgefield en Knysna. Hoe verder ons ry hoe beter raak die weer en ons besef net weer hoe mooi die tuinroete so vroeg in die môre is. Vars lug, ons mooi fietse en ander met motors – wat meer kan ons vra. Ons eerste stop is die Wild Oats kunsmark net buite Sedgefield. Ons het gereserveerde parkeerplek onder die koeltebome met ‘n wag wat na ons fietse kyk so ons kan rustig rondloop en al die stalletjies bewonder en ‘n aandenkinkie koop.
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Met arme Johan gaan dit nie so goed nie. ‘n Ouer heer besluit hy wil n stukkie van sy fiets koop en stamp hom regs agter op sy fiets. Ons bewonder jou vir jou kalmte; sommige van ons sou verseker op en af gespring het. Tussen Gys voor, Johan agter, en Delphius wie seker maak almal bly bymekaar, ry ons veilig Knysna toe.
By 34 Degrees South is almal in ‘n heerlike ontspanne luim. Gesels, lekker lag, heerlike borde kos en ‘n ietsie koel vir die droë kele, is genoeg om enige Wing Rider te laat ontspan.
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Ons ry almal terug, gereed vir ons laaste aand se braai en kuier. Orals word stories uitgeruil, grappe vertel, braaibroodjies gemaak en vleisie gebraai terwyl sommige net in die vuur sit en staar. Na elkeen se insae van die naweek en die sing van ons Wing-lied, is dit tyd vir sommige om rustig te raak vir die lang pad terug. Ons Kakamas-vriende en ander, val al 6-uur in die pad.
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The lovely views of Meirings Poort.
Met elke groet en ‘n “sien julle gou weer”, kom die kuier tot ‘n einde en daal daar ‘n stilte neer na nog n suksesvolle naweek.
Thanks to Gys en Elise for all preparations and arrangements for the Saturday, the write-up by Amorita Engelbrecht, as well as Delphius and members for attending this outing. A total of 24 members attended the event.
Mooi gedoen n mooi samevatting van n wonderlike naweek dankie aan almal