2017 Wing Fling Awards and Trophies

Awards and trophies are not just about a pat on the back or a quick ego boost. They are about recognising and rewarding the efforts of individual Wing Riders who simply did the best in certain categories.

In all the categories, it was extremely hard, not only to choose the three most outstanding contestants, but to reach a conclusion as to the final winners, took long hours of deliberation and consideration.

We should always keep in mind why we own the best bike in the world … to ride. We should always remember that we belong to this amazing club … to be with like-minded people who love their Wings. And always remember, we are Wing Riders and extremely proud to be members of this elite club.

The 2017 Wing Fling Committee was delighted to present members with trophies for special achievements.

Winner 1800 bike Stefan Polessnig
2nd Place 1800 bike Igsaan Salie
3rd Place 1800 bike Martin Pienaar
Winner 1500 bike Frik de Wet
2nd Place 1500 bike George Vice
Winner 1800 trike Sarel van Niekerk
2nd Place 1800 trike Llewellyn Mudge
3rd Place 1800 trike Sonet Mudge
Winner 1500 trike Dirk Venter
2nd Place 1500 trike Kevin van Niekerk
3rd Place 1500 trike Maria Sadie
Winner 1800 rig Sarel van Niekerk
2nd Place 1800 rig Llewellyn Mudge
3rd Place 1800 rig Igsaan Salie
Winner 1500 rig Maraai Hechter
2nd Place 1500 rig Frik de Wet
3rd Place 1500 rig Nic Hechter
Winner Light Parade Delphius Symington
2nd Place Light Parade Stefan Polessnig
3rd Place Light Parade Maraai Hechter

To see all the photos of the winners, please click HERE


The 2017 trophies