2024 Wing Fling at Gariep
Be sure to check out the photos and videos of our 2024 Wing Fling! Just click on the image below.
Be sure to check out the photos and videos of our 2024 Wing Fling! Just click on the image below.
Written by Retha Roos Planning for this year’s “Dam Jam” began many months ago. Bikes were polished, extra chrome was ordered and fitted and, of course, some pretty lights were added for that extra flair. Then came the trip planning – when were we going to leave for our annual visit with our other Wing “chommas”? Trains or buses, also known as groups, also known as friends, were formed, each with their own agenda of arriving safely and without mishap at the Gariep Dam. For most, the fun started the moment we began planning outfits for the themed evening and,...
The details of the upcoming 2024 Wing Fling, to be arranged by Central Chapter, will be revealed to members in the near future.
For everything that happened at the 2023 Wing Fling, please
For everything that happened at the 2022 Wing Fling, please
Wing Riders SA's National Council, your host this year, looks forward to welcoming all members of Wing Riders SA to our annual flagship event, the 2023 Wing Fling. 2023 also marks the 40th anniversary of Wing Riders SA. The Wing Fling will take place at The Ranch in Polokwane from 15 to 21 October 2023. See you all there! Click HERE to view our invitation, for members of Wing Riders SA
Sondag 3 Oktober 'n Woeste suidooster waai Woensdag en Donderdag in Gordonsbaai, reën word vir later in die week voorspel, dus ry Johan Hattingh al Donderdag; hy het genoeg gehad van die nat Kaap! Die komitee is ook vroeër weg om dinge reg te kry. Gerdus en Cynthia het via Addo na Knysna gegaan (lekker lang vakansie) en Peet het ook so kuier-kuier veilig uit Walvisbaai aangekom. Ons vertrek op 'n yskoue, windstil dag en kry vir Kraai, Peet en Wynand en Jana by die petrolstasie. Die wêreld is grasgroen en die damme vol na ons winter, voorwaar 'n seën!...
Vrydag, 4 Oktober 2019 Ons ontmoet almal by Alzu en eet by Spur. Na ete pak ons die pad aan Barberton toe. Dis vrekwarm met ons aankoms daar en ons kry ietsie te drinke. Die mooiste uitsig begroet ons op die pas buite Barberton. Ons ry maar stop-stop. In Witrivier stop ons die laaste keer vir petrol en vinnige vingeretetjie. Anton drink die laaste bietjie koffie – al wil niemand glo dat dit net koffie is nie. Ons bereik ons finale bestemming omtrent 16:30. Lieflike lugversorgde kamer begroet ons. Die groot uitpak begin. Daarna is ons almal rustig onder...
Vrydag, 4 Oktober 2019 Dit is koel en windstil toe ons om 4 v.m. uit Gordonsbaai vertrek. By Worcester kry ons vir Wynand en Anna en Willie en Magdalena. As ons net 'n paar minute gewag het, was Boet en Renthia ook by ons. Hulle het darem gou by ons aangesluit. Net buite Laingsburg stop 'n verkeersman ons, Wynand het besluit hy hou sommer verby, gelukkig was al ons papiere in orde. Ons eet by Drie Susters. Dit is nog steeds koel, met die wind wat effens opkom. Die veld is bitter droog. 'n Vorige keer toe ons hier verby...
Wing Riders of South Africa prides itself on riding the best touring bikes ever made. These bikes are not only amazing machines to own and ride, but are absolute show-stoppers when displayed in public. The annual Concours D’Elegance is a highlight on our annual calendar and is a time when our members get to really show off their bikes, not only amongst each other, but also to the general public. The 2018 Concours D’Elegance during the event of the 2018 Wing Fling, once again, was much more than a trophy and a pat on the back. The awards process is...